About Us
Commit to the LORD whatever you do and all your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3 (MessBible)
21 years ago I was living on the streets, homeless and addicted. Child protective services had removed my children from my custody and I was resorting to prostitution to survive. BUT GOD!
He rescued me from myself and delivered me from my self-destructive behaviors. It wasn’t easy and it didn’t happen overnight. I had to confront my past and all the pain and abuse I had endured, I also had to confront all the pain and abuse that I had caused. I had to surrender to His will. I became willing to walk through a difficult healing process and I had to learn to forgive. The hardest person to forgive was myself, BUT GOD, He walked me even through that.
Once I made the choice to follow Jesus, my life began to change. I was reunited with my children, who happen to be my best friends and biggest supporters now. They have blessed me with 6 amazing, beautiful, grandchildren. Who because of Jesus will never see the me I used to be. I met and married my very best friend (well 2nd only to Jesus). He stepped into an incredibly dysfunctional situation and raised, loved, and supported us all. He is an amazing father to our kids, and Papa to our grandkids, (more of our crazy story in the video).
Together with Jesus leading the way we have built an amazing life together. God not only restored all that I had lost or thrown away over the years, but He made new all the important relationships in my life. I am far from perfect, but because of Him I walk in freedom, I am worthy, I am redeemed. I want everyone to know how amazing and unfailing His love is. That what He has done for me HE WILL do for you too. I want everyone to know that nothing you have ever done outweighs the love of Jesus. He accepts you just the way you are and loves you too much to leave you that way. He wants you to dream big, and to know that when you commit whatever you do to the LORD all your Faith Driven Goals will succeed.
What We Do
Faith Driven Goals is more than faith-based merchandise sales! It’s about giving people a way to start a conversation about the HOPE of Jesus. It’s about pursuing a passion and doing something I love to share my faith, help others share their faith, and support the outreach ministry my husband and I started years ago (www.AndrewMarshallMinistries.org). Every time we pop up our sales booth at at event or I have the privilege to meet someone who has reached out through our website or Facebook page, I thank God for the opportunity to serve alongside Him in a creative way! At our booth you’re just as likely to find us passing out free shoes, food, and toiletries as you are to find us selling our merchandise. Come join us at one of our next events (link to Andrew’s Event calendar here) or volunteer to serve with us by using the contact page to get in touch. May God richly bless you! – Charlene Marshall